
This section will guide you through integrating Albus into your workflow. The on-chain part is implemented in Rust, while the off-chain part is built with TypeScript.

Web3 protocols (business users) are referred to as service providers in this section. For all definitions, please refer to the Glossary.

On-Chain Component (Rust)


Add this code to install the albus-verifier crate.

albus-solana-verifier = "0.1.2"


  • Verify user compliance on-chain

This method verifies on-chain that a proof request (Certificate) is not expired and contains a valid ZK Proof. If both conditions are met, Albus proceeds to execute the code. If it's not, Albus returns an error.


use albus_solana_verifier::AlbusCompliant;


  // (Optional) checks association with a user

  // (Optional) checks association with a policy
  • Retrieve a proof request's address

This method retrieves an address of a proof request (Certificate).

It's a non-unique address of an account created on-chain when a user requests a Certificate on the frontend of the Albus application. It's associated with a specific user, policy, and service provider. It can be found by addresses of the user and the policy it is associated with.


let user = Pubkey::new("<USER_ADDRESS>");
let policy = Pubkey::new("<POLICY_ADDRESS>");
// (Optional) retrieves a policy's address by a service provider's address and policy's code
let (policy, _) = albus_solana_verifier::find_policy_address(&service, "<POLICY_CODE>");

let (proof_request, _) = albus_solana_verifier::find_proof_request_address(&policy, &user);
  • Retrieve a policy's address

This method retrieves an address of a policy by its code stored in our database.


let service = Pubkey::new("SERVICE_PROVIDER_ADDRESS");
// (Optional) retrieves a service provider's address by its code
let (service, _) = find_service_provider_address("service_provider_code");

let (policy, _) = albus_solana_verifier::find_policy_address(&service, "<POLICY_CODE>");
  • Retrieve a service provider's address

This method retrieves an address of a service provider by its unique code stored in our database.


let (service_provider, _) = albus_solana_verifier::find_service_provider_address("<SERVICE_PROVIDER_CODE>");

Off-Chain Component (TypeScript)


Install the @albus/sdk package (yarn and npm package managers can also be used).

The SDK version may vary

  • Install via CLI

npm install @albus-finance/sdk@^0.2
  • Install via package.json

"@albus-finance/albus-sdk": "^0.2"


  • Initialize the Albus client (in a browser)

const network = clusterApiUrl("devnet")
const wallet = window.solana // Phantom crypto wallet
const client = AlbusClient.fromWallet(new Connection(network), wallet)
  • Initialize the Albus client (on a validator node)

const network = clusterApiUrl("devnet")
const keypair = Keypair.fromSecretCode('...')
const client = AlbusClient.fromKeypair(new Connection(network), keypair)

Methods Available to Web3 Businesses

  • Retrieve all service providers

This method retrieves a list of all service providers.

const services = await client.service.find()
  • Retrieve a service provider by its address

This method retrieves a specific service provider by its address.

const { publicKey } = useAnchorWallet()
const service = services.filter(s => === publicKey.value?.toBase58())
  • Retrieve all proof requests

This method retrieves a list of all proof requests (Certificates).

const certificates = client.proofRequest.find()
  • Retrieve all policies

This method retrieves a list of all policies.

const policies = client.policy.find({ serviceCode: string })

serviceCode can be found in the service entity.

Internal methods of Albus Protocol

  • Create a proof request

This method creates a proof request (Certificate) on-chain based on codes of a service provider and a policy. The codes can be added from a config file or retrieved with the find method.

client.proofRequest.create({ serviceCode: string, policyCode: string })


import { SERVICE_CODE, POLICY_CODE } from '@/config'

// Retrieves a service provider's code via a list of all service providers
const services = await client.service.find()
const service = services.find(s => === '<SERVICE_PROVIDER_CODE>')
const serviceCode = service?.data?.code ?? SERVICE_CODE

// Retrieves a policy's code via a list of all policies
const policies = await albus.client.policy.find({ serviceCode })
const policy = policies.find(p => === '<POLICY_CODE>')
const policyCode = ?? POLICY_CODE

await client.proofRequest.create({ serviceCode, policyCode })
  • Generate a ZK Proof for a proof request

This method generates a Zero-Knowledge Proof for a specific proof request (Certificate). Once the ZK Proof is generated and verified, the user is issued the Certificate on the frontend.

const props = {
  proofRequest: PublicKey,
  vc: PublicKey,
  userPrivateKey: Uint8Array,
await client.proofRequest.fullProve(props)


Data passed to the fullProve method:

  • proofRequest: address of the proof request for which the ZK Proof is to be generated.

  • vc: address of the credential to be used to generate the ZK Proof.

  • userPrivateKey: key generated from a seed phrase and used to encrypt and decrypt credentials of a user.


const certificates = await client.proofRequest.find()
const certificate = certificates[0] // The first proof request (Certificate) is used
const proofRequest = certificate.address

const ekp = Keypair.fromSeed('<SEED_PHRASE>') // Contains the seed phrase used to generate a decryption key when creating a credential
const decryptionKey = ekp.secretKey

const credentials = await client.credential.loadAll({ decryptionKey }) // Retrieves a list of all credentials of a user
const credential = credentials[0] // The first credential is used
const vc = credential.address

const props = { proofRequest, vc, userPrivateKey }
await client.proofRequest.fullProve(props)
  • credential: credentials contain specific user data required for a specific ZK Proof. If a credential doesn't contain this data, ZK Proof generation will fail.

  • decryptionKey: same as userPrivateKey above. If a wrong key is passed, ZK Proof generation will fail.

  • Delete a proof request

This method deletes a proof request (Certificate).

await client.proofRequest.delete({ proofRequest: PublicKeyInitData})


const certificate = certificates[0] // The first proof request (Certificate) is used
const proofRequest = certificate.address

await client.proofRequest.delete({ proofRequest })
  • Retrieve all credentials

This method retrieves a list of all credentials.

const credentials = await client.credential.loadAll({ 
  decryptionKey: [
      // bytes

decryptionKey: a key generated from a seed phrase and used to encrypt and decrypt credentials of an end user.


import { Keypair } from '@solana/web3.js'

const ekp = Keypair.fromSeed('<SEED_PHRASE>') // Contains the seed phrase used to generate a decryption key when creating the credential

await client.credential.loadAll({ 
  decryptionKey: ekp.secretKey,
  • Revoke a credential

This method revokes a credential issued for a user. Credential NFTs can only be deleted using the revoke method.

await client.credential.revoke({ mint: PublicKeyInitData })


const credential = credentials[0] // The first credential is used
const mint = credential.address

await client.credential.revoke({ mint })
  • Update a service provider

This method updates a service provider.

const props = {
  name: string,
  website: string, 
  secretShareThreshold: number,
  trustees: [PublicKey.default()],
  contactInfo: {
    kind: number,
    value: string,
  serviceProvider: PublicKey.default(),
  newAuthority: PublicKey.default(),

await client.service.update(props)


Data passed to the update method:

  • name: service provider's name.

  • website: service provider's website.

  • secretShareThreshold: the number of shares into which a decryption key is split under a secret sharing scheme (for details, see the Glossary).

  • contactInfo:

    • kind: contact type:

      • 0: Telegram

      • 1: email

      • 2: Discord

    • value: contact info.

  • serviceProvider: service provider's address.

  • newAuthority: address of a new authority.

  • trustees: addresses of Trustees.


const props = {
  name: 'Albus Defi',
  website: '',
  secretShareThreshold: 2,
  contactInfo: {
    kind: 1,
    value: 'test@email',
  serviceProvider: "ArrNHy59LQ3E9VczX7B3YQiN2AK4A9dbEPKeFU8kq1P8",
  newAuthority: '7dkvaBTSHxqUHc9uvN7VBeL1yKHUngStv7C96dgkzXAK',
  trustees: ['6GkdHy59LQ3E9VczX7B3YQiN2AK4A9dbEPKeFU8kq1P8', 'nRg3aBTSHxqUHc9uvN7VBeL1yKHUngStv7C96dgkzXAK']

  • Retrieve all Trustees

This method retrieves a list of all Trustees.

const trustees = await client.trustee.find()
  • Add a Trustee(s) for a service provider

This method associates a Trustee(s) with a specific service provider.

await client.service.update({ 
  serviceProvider: PublicKey.default(), 
  trustees: [
      // Public key(s)


Data passed to the update method:

  • serviceProvider: service provider's address.

  • trustees : addresses of Trustees.


await client.service.update({ serviceProvider: PublicKey.default(), trustees })
  • Retrieve all circuits

This method retrieves a list of all circuits.

await client.circuit.find()
  • Create a policy

const props = {
  circuitCode: string,
  serviceCode: string,
  code: string,
  description: string,
  expirationPeriod: number,
  name: string,
  retentionPeriod: number,
  rules: [
      // ...
  ] as Array<{
    key: string;
    value: string | number | bigint;
    label?: string;



Data passed to the create method:

  • circuitCode: code of the circut used.

  • code: any arbitrary name.

  • description: service provider description (max. 64 characters).

  • name: service provider's name (max. 30 characters).

  • expirationPeriod: period in seconds after which the Certificate expires and is no longer valid.

  • retentionPeriod: time in seconds during which user data passed for generating a ZK Proof is retained for regulatory purposes.

  • serviceCode: service provider's code.

  • rules: specific requirements included in a policy.


const circuits = await client.circuit.find()
const circuitCode = circuits.find(c => === 'agePolicy')

const serviceCode =
const props = {
  code: 'age_policy_code',
  description: 'Age policy description',
  expirationPeriod: 31622400, 
  name: 'Swap for users over 18 years old',
  retentionPeriod: 2142300,
  rules: [
      key: "minAge",
      value: "18",
      label: "" // (Optional) decription
      key: "maxAge",
      value: "60",
      label: "" // (Optional) decription

  • Update policy

This method updates a policy.

const props = {
  circuitCode: string,
  code: string,
  description: string,
  expirationPeriod: number,
  name: string,
  retentionPeriod: number,
  rules: Array<{
    key: string;
    value: string | number | bigint;
    label?: string;
  serviceCode: string


The props are the same as above (create a policy).

  • Delete policy

This method deletes a policy.

const serviceCode = // Service provider's code
const policy = policies[0] // The first policy is used
const code = // Policy's code

client.policy.delete({ serviceCode: string, code: string })


const props = {
  serviceCode: 'testDefi',
  code: 'testDefiPolicy'

Last updated